Okay, this page is devoted soley to making fun of Ke$ha's lyrics. I know she writes them herself and she's got hits under her pen but...let's face it. Giiiirrrrl. I'm not a hater or anything, but I get a kick out of the dumb things she says on her record. At least she can get away with it! Check 'em out:
Ke$ha: "Tik Tok"
Another Ke$ha Lyric Gone Wrong
Yet Another Ke$ha Lyric Gone Wrong
----So when it comes to our girl Ke$ha, nobody should have a misunderstanding about her personality. She's up front, and very blatant about her lifestyle, and while some may condemn her for it and call her trashy, at least she admits it. But here's something you probably didn't know: there's a deep philosophical point behind it all. *sarcasm*